Earlier in this blog,I was writing a little about primary care.check
EFR part 1
The next day, we started the lesson a bit late because Rob needed to examine the IDC, the main reason he is here, first before taught us. And we continue to watch the video and practice the skill such as:
- CPR & Chest Compression
- Conscious/ Unconscious Chocking
- Serious Bleeding Management
- Shock Management, and
- Spinal Injury Management
Then the primary care skill was done! Rob took us to the beach to “visit” the IDC and congratulate them as well. All IDC passed the final test and they are officially INSTRUCTOR! Congratulations to MATT, EMIL, MARIE, RACHEL, EDI, CHLOE. Tonight there was a party for the new Instructor but we needed to continue the lesson first….What did we do after short refreshing?? The answer is FINAL EXAM… But its not scary, because it was open book.

The next thing Rob taught us, is about Oxygen and AED. These are only recommended primary skills but we also need to know about it also. For oxygen there were 2 ways to use it, free flow oxygen for unconscious and not free flow for conscious victim. The free flow we needed to set to be 15 liter per minute and the not free flow we just breathe in from the mask. The AED machine was really easy to use, just press on, put the pad to the place, wait until the thunder button turn on and press it. Then you will be told to check the breath and the sign of the patient. We did the oxygen and the AED when there was no electricity on Crystal Diver, it’s all dark *LOL* but we still enjoy it very much!
Beside primary care, there is second care for the victim. After we treat the ABCD’S, we were able to do the secondary assessment. We did this assessment when we knew that there is no life threat for the victim. There is 4 secondary cares:
I: INJURY ASSESSMENT: We need to check from head to toe and make sure that the victim is ok.
II: ILLNESS ASSESSMENT, use SAMPLE method to assess this. SIGN AND SYMPTOMS by asking the victim, checking the pulse, breathing, temperature, and color. Inform about ALLERGIES, MEDICATION, LAST MEAL and EVENT. You need to ask questions to make some conclusion for the illnesses.
III: BANDAGING, it’s the same thing when you treat a serious bleeding management.
IV: the last one is SLINTING FOR DISLOCATION AND FRACTURES, when there is a broken bone just use what is around you like book or pencil or anything that support the broken bone. You don’t need special things to splint when you have stuff around you.
And now its time for the final exam!!! Well it’s only about the stuff we talked about before and it is open book exam, easier than the open water exam :P but still some of us got it so hard to understand the English :) all of us pass the exam and we are officially EFR certified now. Thanks Rob!
We didn’t stop until this step, we needed to get the EFR instructor certified so we can teach anybody who wants to learn about this. EFR doesn’t have age limit anyway. So to make us to be the instructor, Rob gave us all the knowledge review for the EFR instructor. Who finished these knowledge reviews, was allowed to come for diving in Tulamben tomorrow! Of course all of us didn’t want to miss this... so we finished all the knowledge review until late night. Around 7 I guess we all finished the knowledge review. We needed to work hard to get anything right ;) One thing that night, after we all finish the knowledge review, there was a girl who looks pale and wasnt strong enough to walk to her room. We all thought that Rob sent the girl to pretend about this. We helped her to go to her room and we all knew that she is really sick. We found out that she got dengue fever after that :P
Taking Break from the classroom, theory, and practice the EFR…. DIVING TIME! We all came to crystal early morning to go to TULAMBEN. This time Jink didn’t come with us because he needed to go to the doctor the other day , so today he needed to do all the things we did yesterday. We will do 2 dives and this time Eri will be the dive guide for today. We dived in the wreck and this is the first time Rob was in there. We entered the wreck with his guide. It was 4 meters long(maybe…) Between the two dives, Rob told us a little about how to teach, his life, and EFR. Nice chatting though and full of information for our teaching practice. That was all for refreshing between the EFR courses.
After all of us finished the knowledge review, this time Rob taught us about how to teach EFR.First he showed us some slide shows about the main point in the EFR and when we teach our students we need to tell them about :
1. The Goal to do these skills
2. The value of these skills
3. The key Point/ critical steps/ how it's done
4. The video
5. The demonstration
We can find all the answer and the teaching technique in our instructor manual. Rob also told us how to make it as simple as possible. Just let the student do it for you. Let them tell you what to do depend on the book and ask them why we do this. Beside that we need to demonstrate all the skills in front of the class! Some of us done it very well and the others still needed to learn about it again. FINAL EXAM time!!! We needed to finish this for getting the certificate :) 6 of us passed the test and WE ARE OFFICIALLY EFR INSTRUCTOR.. Sounds cool right!