Early morning we gathered in Crystal to sign and check anything before we leave Sanur heading to Manta Point. The guest was pick up in Hyatt Hotel, 5 min from crystal and they were really took a baby with them. He is 2 months cute little baby boy, Nicholas, and I can say adorable. Holly and I were thinking how about the propeller machine sound, would it made the baby cry all the time… hmm lets see.
Ok, now we were on the boat and I did the briefing before we started our journey to manta Point… apparently all the things that we were afraid of were not come true. The baby didn’t cry at all because of the boat machine sound... .wow that’s really cool! He was sleeping all time and only cry because he was hungry – well you know a baby right ;). The parents went dive with their baby with the Nanny… that’s really nice to know that 2 months baby can go with the boat, maybe I can take my (future) baby to the boat as well ;)
The journey went really well except something problem with new BCD one of them, beside that it was under control, we saw MANTAS – and we were alone! Ted and Alejandra were really had a good time with us and they decided to take another trip with the baby also (and the nanny of course).
Have fun and enjoy your trip in Bali for Ted, Alejandra and cute Nicholas!