It has been 2 weeks already since the first dive. Now we already finished all the chapters, quizzes, confined water and open water dive. We did our 2,3,4 open water dive with Ms. Uning and we did good :) thanks so much for the lesson Ms. Uning! You are the best!
Our 2 other friends already come from their School exam and since they were late with the lesson, they need to study harder to reach the material. But with Ms. Uning by them side, I’m sure they will be all right!
Finally now we face our final exam, even we did that not in the class room, we still did it good. We passed the test with minimum 86% ...
This is the last score :
Vintty : 100
Me and Komang : 92
Eri and Nico : 90
Imam : 86
Big applause for vintty and we will surely ask for treat! LOL
thanks for the help and the lesson from our instructors who teach us! Now we are officially OPEN WATER DIVER ( with a real license :P)