This year I want to go around
Indonesia.. that’s what my resolution for 2013 before I become Mrs. Paul Scharf
next year .This early march I went to Gili trawangan to try the dive in there and
thanks to ci Lina, we managed to go for3 days!!! Well the
journey start just because there is long holiday on mid march coz of silent day
so we couldn’t go to bali. After several choices, we decided to go to Gili
trawangan, Lombok.
I booked the ticket, the hotel and
the dives straightly! Unfortunately made will not be around because he
celebrated the silent day so he went back to Lombok with his family. Well but
we manage to see each other for couple hours. Anyway first we booked the early morning flight and last flight for
return from lion air but 4 days before departure they dismissed the morning
flight and the night flight return so they noticed us to use around 9am flight,
oh well we didn’t have any other choice than that right.
Two days before depart, my students
asked me what I gonna do on long weekend and I simply said that I will go to
Lombok. After several hours, they just
ask about the flight and everything. They want to join the trip with me. First
they said its only 6 of them so its ok, but on the day I just know that there will be 12 people go to this
trip.. LOL, big group again!
All the baggage and boarding pass
already managed by my student so its really a good details. Not only the flight
but also they all manage the boat, the dive so its really an easy journey for
me. Arrive in Lombok after 1 hour delayed, we got Lombok culinary lunch; bebalung and ayam taliwang. Bebalung is like a
beef ribs with clear soup. Nice to try if you went to Lombok. Finish lunch we
drive around 1 hour to bangsal to go to gili. The boat already wait for us in
there, stand by with 12 people on board ;) it took only 15 minutes to reach
Gili Trawangan.
In Gili there is no motor vehicle,
they only use the horse cart or bicycle to go around the island. My place “ big
bubble” isn’t far from the villa ombak pier so we took our stuff and walk for 5
min to find the place. it’s a good place for a diver, quite and simple. It will
be our home for 2 days. I just check in and see the schedule for night dive.
Andddd Made came to meet me!! So happy to see him again after so long. Anyway he
is become a real gentleman now also have tattoo :P
I just notice that in Gili they do
scheduled dive everyday. So they will show in front of the dive center where
will they go and the time. In big bubble they only have 3 dives – 2 day dives
and 1 night dive; And we cant go beside than that time ! My students are open
water and they want to try the night dives but unfortunately they didn’t allow
them to do the night dive before watch the video. Well so its only 2 of us who
manage to do the night dives then.
Setting all the equipment and we are
ready to jump! Well this is my first time to Gili but seems everybody know
about my program “ zero to hero” program, feel a bit shock when they know you
even you haven’t been there before. We
went to biorock for the night dive, it was nice but the coral is already dead.
We saw lots of lionfishes, cuttlefish and puffer. Steve and Andes were our
guide. Steve just finished his
divemaster and guide us that day. Andes also just become instructor and guess
who is his CD!! Holly Macleod! Wow its really a small world :P Finish the dive,
we went to blue marlin to have some dinner and met holly in there, we cant chat
much because the next day she need to work and I will go diving. It was nice to
see her smile again J
The next day we manage a private
boat for our group, my students manage to get the boat and instructor for us.
We will do 4 dives – which cant be happened if we take the regular group lol…
anyway the four dives are amazing – even the coral is pretty damage – we play
around with the scooter ( my first time and I LOVE IT!), camera, new go pro,
and buoyancy for sure. I really love to see them getting better and better.
Almost all of my student got addicted with diving – in positive way!
Lots of turtle around and they didn’t scare
with us, especially when they were eating, in the current we also found hands
up turtle, maybe because he didn’t want to get something in his face so he put
his hands up. So funny! The 2 best things are “mermaid”, centeng, she is really
good with buoyancy if there is camera around, if not she looks like cycling all
around hehehehe… And Lina officially I can consider as a rescuer now! She helped centeng alot when we dive.
Done! 5 dives in Gili T, now time for PARTY!!!! We
took dinner and go around ( only a half) the island and hang out with the rest
of the group. Drinking, chilling out, also partying underneath the star! Some
fire dancing show that night and I got some bruises because the big rock in the
beach lol… everytime I went to some new place I always got this thing on my
Last day of the holiday, I hate it
but need to go back to work. We just use the same boat to go back to main
island and go around Lombok for awhile before the flight depart. I and Lina
manage to do culinary again, we tried another bebalung, ayam taliwang, telur
asin bakar, and nasi puyung. We also have time to see Lombok craft, they made
some furniture from the pearl skin. Nice to see Indonesia creativity and well
known in the world.
Time to go home! Same with our
flight to Lombok, they also delay for 1 hour.. but the time flies really fast,
I met new people, make some friends and know a new place. that’s looks like
PADI slogan but its real and I enjoy myself in diving world especially when I
see so many smile around me. Hope can make another great trip again <3